Bolt with flange, Shoulder screw, Set screw, screw plug, thin nut, lock nut, Castle nut, Locking disc spring, tab washer, e-ring, shim ring, bonded se

ชื่อผู้ประกาศ : เอก 0818219172

เบอร์โทรศัพท์ : 0818353359

โทรศัพท์มือถือ : 0819126715

ที่อยู่ : บางนา

การติดต่ออื่นๆ : ID line : bmpcek


1) Hexagon head bolt

Flange bolt DIN 6921, Shoulder bolt DIN609, Self locking bolt with flange, Square head bolt DIN 479, PEINER High strength structural bolt EN14399-4

2) Hexagon socket head screw DIN912, low head screw DIN7984, 6912, Countersunk head screw DIN7991, Button head screw ISO7380, Shoulder screw ISO7379, Set screw, Pipe plug

3) Nut

DIN934, ISO 4032, Thin nut DIN439B, Connection nut, Prevailing torque nut (nylon insert), All metal lock nut DIN 980V, U NUT, Flange nut DIN 6923, Self locking counter nut DIN 7967, Slotted castle nut DIN 935-1, Domed cap nut DIN 1587

4) Thread rod and stud bolt

Thread rod DIN976-1A, Thread rod length 1 meter , Stud DIN 939

5) Hook and eye products

T-Head bolt, Eye bolt, Lifting eye bolt and nut DIN 580 DIN582

6) Screw

Slotted set screw DIN 551, Slotted cheese head screw DIN 84, Pan head screw Countersunk head screw

7) Washer

Lock washer, Plain washer, Spring washer DIN 7980, Wave spring washer, Curved spring lock washer DIN128A, serrated lock washer, Disc spring DIN 2093, Conical spring washer DIN 6796, Nord lock washer, wedge lock washer, Disclock washer, Anti vibration washer, Locking disc spring, Contact lock washer, Tab washer, Retaining ring DIN 471 DIN 472 DIN6799 E ring, Snap ring DIN 7993A, Shim ring DIN 988, Square washer, Sealing ring DIN 7603, Bonded seal with rubber, O ring

8) PIN

Taper pin DIN1B, Dowel pin (parallel pin) DIN7, Taper pin , Grooved pin

Spring-type strength pin, Round head rivet DIN660 / 124

Countersunk head rivet DIN 661

Clevis pin DIN1434, Split pin ( Cotter pin) DIN94 Linch pin

Bright key length 1 meter, Steel C45K Woodruff key, Taper Key, Parallel key

ฝ่ายขายติดต่อ เอก 0818219172 , อรุณลักษณ์ 0819126715, สุพัฒตรา 0818353359

สำนักงานโทร 027489730-1, 027489800, 027489819 Fax 027489852

ID Line 0818353359

ID Line 0819126715,,
