ไดเอทธิลีนไกลคอล (ดีอีจี) Diethylene Glycol (DEG)

ชื่อผู้ประกาศ : อัศวิน วิรุธพานนท์

เบอร์โทรศัพท์ : 034854 888

โทรศัพท์มือถือ : 0800160016

ที่อยู่ : 36/5 ม.9 ต.นาดี อ.เมืองสมุทรสาคร

การติดต่ออื่นๆ : www.thaipolychemicals.com


DIETHYLENE GLYCOL, DEG, ไดเอทิลีนไกลคอล, ไดเอทธิลีนไกลคอล, ดีอีจี

ไดเอทิลีนลีนไกลคอล (ดีอีจี), ไดเอทธิลีนไกลคอล, Diethylene glycol (DEG) หรือ ไดไกลคอล (Diglycol) ขนาดบรรจุ 225 kg/drum, ไดเอทิลีนไกลคอล (diethylene glycol) อาจเรียกว่า หรือ ไดไฮดรอกซีไดเอทิลอีเทอร์ (Dihydroxydiethyl ether) หรือ ไดไกลคอล (diglycol) หรือ 2,2,'-ออกซีบิส-เอทานอล (2,2'-oxybis-ethanol) หรือ 2,2'- ออกซีไดเอทานอล (2,2'-oxydiethanol) ไดเอทิลีนไกลคอล ใช้เป็นตัวทำละลาย สำหรับสารหลายชนิดที่มีสมบัติละลายได้ในน้ำ รวมทั้งยาด้วย

Diethylene glycol (DEG) is an

organic compound with the formula (HOCH2CH2)2O. It is a colorless, practically

odorless, poisonous, and hygroscopic liquid with a sweetish taste. It is

miscible in water, alcohol, ether, acetone, and ethylene glycol.[1] DEG is a

widely used solvent. It can be a contaminant in consumer products; this has

resulted in numerous epidemics of poisoning since the early 20th

century.Diethylene glycol is used in the manufacture of unsaturated polyester

resins, polyurethanes, and plasticizers.[1] DEG is used as a building block in

organic synthesis, e.g. of morpholine and 1,4-dioxane. It is a solvent for

nitrocellulose, resins, dyes, oils, and other organic compounds. It is a

humectant for tobacco, cork, printing ink, and glue.[5] It is also a component

in brake fluid, lubricants, wallpaper strippers, artificial fog solutions, and

heating/cooking fuel.[1] In personal care products (e.g. skin cream and

lotions, deodorants), DEG is often replaced by selected diethylene glycol

ethers. A dilute solution of diethylene glycol can also be used as a coolant;

however, ethylene glycol is much more commonly used. Most ethylene glycol

antifreeze contains a few percent diethylene glycol, present as an inadvertent

byproduct of ethylene glycol production.

Diethylene glycol (DEG) is a

valuable chemical intermediate used in the production of unsaturated polyester

resins (UPR), plasticizers, acrylate and methacrylate resins and urethanes.

Applications for Diethylene


Polyester Resins

Antifreeze and Coolants

Gas Dehydration and Treating

Chemical Intermediates

Heat Transfer Fluids


Other Applications

Polyester Resins

Ethylene glycols are used as a

reactant in the manufacture of polyester resins. Dow produces ethylene glycols

for use in polyester fiber, films and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resin

production, as well as alkyd resins used in paints. The uses for polyester

resins are extremely varied, and include boat and marine, construction

materials, automotive and aircraft bodies, luggage, furnishings, appliances,

textiles and packaging.Polyester fibers are commonly found in textile

applications including clothing and carpets.Polyester films are frequently used

in packaging and wraps for consumer goods, as well as video, audio and computer

tapes. PET is widely used in the manufacturing of beverage bottles and

containers, and other consumer goods packaging.

Antifreeze and Coolants

Ethylene glycols remain viscous at

low temperatures; they have a low freezing point and high boiling point. Ethylene

glycols are frequently used to make automobile antifreeze and coolants,

aircraft anti-icing and deicing materials.

Gas Dehydration & Treating

Ethylene glycols are commonly used

in natural gas hydration and treating applications to remove water and impurities.

Diethylene glycol (DEG), Triethylene glycol (TEG) and Tetraethylene glycol

(TETRA EG) have excellent hygroscopicity and low volatility. Because of these

characteristics, DEG, TEG and TETRA EG are in high demand in the natural gas

drying market.

Chemical Intermediates

Ethylene glycols including

monoethylene glycol (MEG), diethylene glycol (DEG), triethylene glycol (TEG)

and tetraethylene glycol (TETRA EG), are versatile chemical intermediates used

to produce a variety of products for commercial and industrial use:

Adhesives and coatings




Polyurethane foams


Silicone compounds


Unsaturated polyester resins

Heat Transfer Fluids

Monoethylene glycol (MEG),

diethleyene glycol (DEG), triethylene glycol (TEG) and tetraethylene glycol

(TETRA EG), due to their low freezing point, freezing point depressant and high

boiling point are predominantly used in heat transfer fluids.


Diethylene glycol (DEG),

triethylene glycol (TEG) and tetraethylene glycol (TETRA EG) have excellent

solvent properties. TEG and TETRA EG are used as solvents in several


Aromatic and paraffinic

hydrocarbons separations

Cleaning compounds

Cyanoacrylate and


Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) production

equipment cleaning

Steam-set printing inks

Other Applications

Triethylene glycol (TEG) and

tetraethylene glycol (TETRA EG) may be used directly as a plasticizer or

modified by esterification. As a plasticizer, TEG and TETRA EG are used in the

manufacture of:

Safety glass

Separation membranes (silicone

rubber, polyvinyl acetate, cellulose triacetate)

Ceramic materials (resistant

refractory plastics, molded ceramics)

Demand for tetraethylene glycol is

strong in the area of BTX (benzene, toluene, xylene) extraction to separate

aromatic hydrocarbons from non-aromatic hydrocarbons.

Monoethylene glycol (MEG),

diethylene glycol (DEG) are often used in water-based paints, dry-wall

compounds, glass cleaners, dyes, waxes and adhesives as a freezing point depressor

to avoid damage by low-temperature extremes.

In addition, monethylene glycol

and diethylene glycol are also used as binders for foundry sand molding, and a

lubricant for glass- and cement-grinding. In addition, both homologs are also

used as humectants in textile fiber, paper, leather, adhesive and glue




Thai Poly Chemicals Co., Ltd.

บริษัท ไทยโพลีเคมิคอล จำกัด

ที่อยู่36/5 ม.9  แขวง/ตำบลนาดี  เขต/อำเภอเมืองสมุทรสาคร  จังหวัดสมุทรสาคร รหัสไปรษณีย์74000

Tel.: 034854888, 034496284

Fax.: 034854899, 034496285

Mobile: 0824504888, 0800160016

Website :


Email1 : thaipolychemicals@hotmail.com

Email2 : info@thaipolychemicals.com

