Modular Integration, of all vital functions into one compact and light weight modular LED light engine.
LED Component Efficiency, by selection of first grade components such as the "Philips Lumileds Rebel" LED emitters.
Thermal Management, by the proprietary SFCT (Smart Forced Convection Technology) and PCT (Precision Cooling Technology) technology.
Optics Design that fully realizes the advantage of LED directional emission.
Parattakorn Industrial solutions Co., Ltd.
55/238 ม. 5 หมู่บ้าน ปริชาต ซ. 9 ต. บางคูวัด อ. เมือง จ. ปทุมธานี 12000
Tel : 086-5598876 / 02-9770372 / Fax : 029770372
Email : saartkla@gmail.com / www.rathakorn.com