Aco's Vibration meter Type 3116/3116A
Features :
-Vibration can be actually heard with your own ear, aiming at the pinpoint spot in question.
This is the time of the maintenance of facilities, by watching, hearing and measuring the vibration.
-Compact design, light weight i.e., approx. 130g (Including batteries), that demonstrates power on the site of the measurement.
-Single hand operation is possible just like a cellular phone.
-Built in Memory for max. 256 data.
-Built-in serial interface, enabling rapid data processing on your PC.
-Restart the measurement with the last condition set up and stored just before the power-off.
-The output to an exclusive printer is possible.
Measurement range :
-Acceleration(ACC) : 0.02?200m/s² RMS
-Velocity(VEL) : 0.02?200mm/s RMS
-Displacement(DISP) : 2?2000μm EQ p-p
Parattakorn Industrial solutions Co., Ltd.
55/238 ม. 5 หมู่บ้าน ปริชาต ซ. 9 ต. บางคูวัด อ. เมือง จ. ปทุมธานี 12000
Tel : 086-5598876 / 02-9770372 / Fax : 029770372
Email : saartkla@gmail.com/ www.rathakorn.com